
From medium-sized businesses for medium-sized businesses
Reaching common goals

Certified Security Operations Center GmbH offers services and solutions tailored for medium-sized businesses, based on a holistic approach to combat cybercrime. In addition to Managed SOC as a Service, we focus on protective measures and employee awareness, aligning with the concept: Protect, Detect, Respond.


Firewall, antivirus protection, and other components such as authentication methods, cloud security, as well as IT security training for your employees form the protective components.


SOC as a Service monitors your system events, log files, and network traffic for suspicious behavior and anomalies.


The control center of SOCaaS analyzes and assesses the incident, enabling measures to be taken and vulnerabilities to be addressed in affected IT systems and networks.



The effective combination of automatic detection of attacks and active monitoring by experts ensures rapid detection of potential cyberattacks and timely initiation of appropriate measures.

Through our ActiveResponse, we are able to initiate targeted countermeasures at the endpoint and overall infrastructure levels.

A preceding comprehensive risk analysis and our 4-eye principle ensure the highest possible protection against false positive actions.




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